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  • Benfits : Copper is considered an essential mineral for our body. Copper helps in reducing weight, prevents obesity, reduces joint pain, maintains good digestion. make your life healthy.
  • Making your brain work much faster and more efficiently. It fights with cancer if used regularly. its continuous use helps in reducing bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Makes you look younger and have healthy skin.
  • Warnings: Do not keep the bottle in the deep fridge or microwave.
  • Don't : Do not use scrubber/chemicals to clean the bottle outside.
  • Cleaning instructions: No cleaning is required for outside the bottle only inside cleaning is required as mentioned : Do's: Put some lemon juice and salt in the bottle. Fill half of the bottle with hot water. Leave the bottle for a few minutes. After 15-20min shake it well and rinse away the water from a bottle & Clean it with normal water for 2-3 times. Weekly once cleaning is required.

Lycra Copper Bottle 1l

  • 100% Copper

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